Befinity's ethos is one of ‘non-egoic, enlightened collectives’, along the lines described in the book A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle:
“....some people will feel called upon to form groups that reflect the enlightened consciousness. These groups will not be collective egos. The individuals who make up these groups will have no need to define their identity through them. ..... Even if the members that make up those groups are not totally free of ego yet, there will be enough awareness in them to recognize the ego in themselves or others, as soon as it appears. However, constant alertness [will be] required, since the ego will try to take over and reassert itself in any way it can. Dissolving the human ego by bringing it into the light of awareness – this will be one of the main purposes of these groups........ Enlightened collectives will form an important function in the arising of the new consciousness. Just as egoic collectives pull you into unconsciousness and suffering, the enlightened collective can be a vortex for consciousness that will accelerate the planetary shift.”
In Befinity meetings an emphasis is placed on subjects that:
- Are uplifting and encouraging,
- Challenge and empower the participants to experience spiritual growth and transformation,
- Reveal beauty in its many varied forms, and
- Enrich relationships.
- Are open to all, irrespective of race, gender or ability;
- Offer opportunities for all to contribute, in the manner for which they feel best equipped.
Befinity members:
- Have a strong interest in matters of heart, soul and spirit, and a desire for personal transformation in these areas of life,
- Are caring and loving in word and deed,
- Have a deep respect for the rights, beliefs and dignity of others,
- Have an inherent desire to empower themselves AND one another,
- Are by nature curious and open-minded,
- Have a thirst for learning and a belief that there is always more to learn.