One of the most fascinating features of our world is that it is jam-packed with people with good hearts. Yet, for the most part, the history of humankind has not been written by such as these. You've all heard the famous words of Edmund Burke that "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". It matters not how you define evil - we see the manifestations of it all around us, every day. The way that we, as a species, live in the world is fundamentally dysfunctional. We are barelling down a one-way track.
It seems, however that the tipping point is fast approaching. Within the space of just the past few years there has been a massive, global acceleration towards the view that dramatic and drastic changes are imminent. There's a fast-growing awareness that Mother Nature will soon not give us any choice about changing our way of being in the world. The changes have already begun. A few minor tweaks on our behalf won't do it. Gaia will self-adjust and the scale of the adjustments is likely to eliminate all remaining traces of arrogance about our role in this amazing, beautiful Earth-system that has hosted us so patiently, for so long. No longer will we be permitted to see ourselves as Masters, standing outside and above, exercising dominance and control.