
Definition: [befinity / be'finiti / before and beyond infinity]

About Befinity

No dogmas, no agendas.
Just informal, open-hearted discussion, sharing, learning and caring.
For like-minded people with a passion for personal growth, awakening and transformation.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Trans-egoic creative collaboration

In my previous blog, I made reference to the book "The Wisdom of Crowds", by James Surowiecki. Coincidentally, a few days after posting the blog, I came across an article that also referenced the term, which I found really encouraging. It's called "Thinking Together Without Ego: Collective Intelligence as an Evolutionary Catalyst" and it was written by husband-and-wife team, Craig Hamilton and Claire Zammit (see

The article starts by addressing the issue of 'groupthink', which typically hampers creative intelligence, then goes on to paint a picture of a truly beautiful alternative:

"Imagine a group of people gathered for a creative strategy session with an unusual mandate. The entry fee for this conversation is that everyone has made a sincere and educated effort to check their "ego" at the door. With personal agendas temporarily set aside, there is a noticeable absence of self-consciousness, or self-concern of any kind. The familiar jockeying for position has vanished, and along with it, all approval seeking. No one seems invested in being right, appearing smart, or appearing any particular way at all. In the absence of these familiar negative social behaviors, there is simply an authentic, innocent, undefended interest in creatively engaging the task at hand. Without the familiar, primitive "mental noise" blocking the system, listening is deep and there is plenty of space for considered reflection. Unified by a heartfelt and soulful commitment to a greater good, the group flows easily from one idea to the next. Diverging points of view are engaged organically, effortlessly, in the recognition that a diversity of perspectives represents a rich field of data to mine for insights. All questions and concerns are welcomed into the inquiry. Aware of the ever-looming specter of paralyzing group dynamics, an atmosphere of humility pervades, and an embodied knowledge that confronting the questions that challenge our deepest assumptions is our only safeguard against collective error."

Isn't that an amazing picture?! Hamilton and Zammit admit that it may seem like wishful thinking, but as thought leaders in the field of evolutionary consciousness, they also know that there is a collective shift taking place - they know that more and more people are relinquishing the cynicism that characterised so much of the past few decades and are coming to a heart-knowledge that something big and beautiful is taking place in the consciousness of humankind. With this in mind, they present a list of 10 key principles that reflect a culture of genuinely non-egoic collaborative thinking. It's high-quality article, and I'd encourage you to read it.

The principle of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts is never more powerfully demonstrated than when like-minded, spiritually-oriented people begin to think and work harmonically. It results in an extraordinary amplification of heart-based energy that can transform the deepest darkness into beautiful light. Many of us know this to be true and many of us believe that it's possible. And, as far as I can see, there's no reason why we shouldn't get on with it!