Even though I love to learn about things that stretch my understanding of what it means to be "spiritual beings having a human experience", I find it extremely easy to be sceptical about so many of the ideas that are bandied around in the world of spiritual 'free-thinkers'. It's partly due to the fact that I'm trained as a scientist and have spent most of my adult world engaged in science-based activities, but it's also because I have long felt that people are, in general, far too quick to accept what they are told – especially when it comes to matters spiritual. I saw it in the Church, during my 20 years as a 'born-again' Christian, and I see it just as much in evidence now, among people in the 'spiritual-but-not-religious' community. In a nutshell, I feel that most people are just way too gullible. They don't ask enough questions.
This point-of-view is not about me being sceptical or cynical just to prove how smart I am. I firmly believe that asking questions and examining ideas – especially established dogmas – is a vital way to learn and to grow. And it's a way of safe-guarding against the manipulation and exploitation that sometimes occurs when those who are in positions of leadership lose perspective and use their power harmfully. That was the point of the "Death By Guru" presentation that I gave at a Befinity meeting a few weeks ago (and which I hope to give some feedback on sometime soon).
All of which is simply an admission that I tend to approach subjects like Numerology and Feng Shui, which were the topics discussed at the Befinity meeting on 24th November, with a very questioning mind. For example, dates, which play such an important part in Numerology, often seem to me to be quite arbitrary. The date 11/11/11 only happened because we happen to use the Gregorian calendar – if we lived in a part of the world that used a different type of calendar, the numbers would presumably be quite different. Yet the presentation that Heike Sym (Numerology) and Brian van den Berg (Feng Shui) delivered did not leave me with a sense of ‘too many unanswered questions’ at all. In contrast, I was enthralled by it. I felt more as though I was listening to two accomplished musicians, in love with their art, rather than a couple of practitioners bent on selling the merits of their respective modalities. They both exude a kind of confident professionalism, and it’s obvious that their craft knowledge is excellent, but it was the simple authenticity of their enthusiasm that made the biggest impression on me. And although neither of them made much attempt to explain HOW what they do works (which is usually what I want to know) I found myself thinking “I’d love to know more about this!”
Brian and Heike have established a model of working collaboratively that seems to work really well. It’s based not only on an obvious mutual respect for one another’s skills, but also, and I think more importantly, on the chemistry that clearly exists between them in terms of how they meld their respective abilities together.
This short article is intended primarily to acknowledge how much I enjoyed being surprised at Heike and Brian’s talk, and not to advertise their services. I heard a song and didn't get lost in analysing the notes, and I appreciate that. For anyone who may be interested in finding out more about what they do, however, you can contact them at heike-rsa@hotmail.com and phoenixrisingconsulting@yahoo.com, respectively.
For the record, here’s the announcement that went out about the talk:
“Creating Business and Personal Solutions with Numerology and Feng Shui”
"After each giving an overview of their fields of expertise, Heike and Brian will then talk about how to best fuse the two skills in your personal life and in business. Even though each is very effective on its own, combined they can create highly charged solutions in all areas of your personal and corporate life.
Numerology meets Feng Shui! The miracle of detail in your destiny, numbers, colours, names and directions."